
data protection
The operators of these pages take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this privacy policy. The use of our website is usually possible without providing personal information. As far as on our sides personal data are collected, this takes place, as far as possible, always on freiwilliger basis. These data will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent. We point out that the data transmission in the Internet (eg in the communication by E-Mail) can exhibit security gaps. A complete protection of the data from access by third parties is not possible.

Legal basis
Insofar as processing of personal data is required to fulfill a legal obligation that is subject to our company, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c DSGVO as legal basis.

Responsible for data protection

Sachsenkraft GmbH
Bürgerstraße 28
01127 Dresden
E-Mail: sachsenkraft (at) - please replace the (at) with an @ (spam protection)

Server log files

The provider of the pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. These are:

   - Browser type and browser version
   - used operating system
   - Referrer URL
   - Host name of the accessing computer
   - Time of the server request

These data can not be assigned to specific persons. A merge of this data with other data sources will not be done. We reserve the right to check this data retrospectively, if we become aware of specific indications for illegal use.

Duration of storage
The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary for the purpose of its collection. In the case of collecting the data for providing the website, this is the case when the respective session is completed.

The internet pages partly use so-called cookies. Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain viruses. Cookies serve to make our offer more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and stored by your browser. Most of the cookies we use are so-called "session cookies". They are automatically deleted after your visit. Other cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. These cookies allow us to recognize your browser the next time you visit. You can set your browser so that you are informed about the setting of cookies and allow cookies only in individual cases, the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or generally exclude and enable the automatic deletion of cookies when closing the browser. Disabling cookies may limit the functionality of this website.

SSL encryption
This site uses SSL encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of sensitive content, such as the requests you send to us as the site operator. You can recognize an encrypted connection by changing the address line of the browser from "http: //" to "https: //" and the lock symbol in your browser line. If SSL encryption is enabled, the data you submit to us can not be read by third parties.

Right to information, cancellation, blocking
At any time you have the right to free information about your stored personal data, their origin and recipient and the purpose of the data processing and a right to correct, block or delete this data. For further information on personal data you can contact us at any time at the address given in the imprint.

Social media plug-ins
If personal data is collected, processed or used by social media plug-ins, this collection, processing or use is exclusively based on the privacy policy of the respective provider. Sachsenkraft GmbH has no influence on these data processingAt any time you have the right to free information about your stored personal data, their origin and recipient and the purpose of the data processing and a right to correct, block or delete this data. For further information on personal data you can contact us at any time at the address given in the imprin

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Wenn nicht anders bezeichnet: © Sachsenkraft GmbH
Rechtlicher Hinweis:
Inhalte dieser Website
Wir sind bemüht, für die Richtigkeit und Aktualität aller auf unserer Website enthaltenen Informationen und Daten zu sorgen. Eine Haftung oder Garantie für die Aktualität, Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen und Daten ist jedoch ausgeschlossen. In keinem Fall wird für Schäden, die sich aus der Verwendung der abgerufenen Informationen ergeben, eine Haftung übernommen. Wir behalten uns vor, ohne Ankündigungen Änderungen oder Ergänzungen der bereitgestellten Informationen oder Daten vorzunehmen.
Externe Links
Diese Website enthält Verknüpfungen zu Websites Dritter („externe Links“). Diese Websites unterliegen der Haftung der jeweiligen Betreiber. Der Anbieter hat bei der erstmaligen Verknüpfung der externen Links die fremden Inhalte daraufhin überprüft, ob etwaige Rechtsverstöße bestehen. Zu dem Zeitpunkt waren keine Rechtsverstöße ersichtlich. Der Anbieter hat keinerlei Einfluss auf die aktuelle und zukünftige Gestaltung und auf die Inhalte der verknüpften Seiten. Das Setzen von externen Links bedeutet nicht, dass sich der Anbieter die hinter dem Verweis oder Link liegenden Inhalte zu Eigen macht. Eine ständige Kontrolle dieser externen Links ist für den Anbieter ohne konkrete Hinweise auf Rechtsverstöße nicht zumutbar. Bei Kenntnis von Rechtsverstößen werden jedoch derartige externe Links unverzüglich gelöscht.
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